Alum | Charlie Slater

Charlie Slater’s journey into the world of ballet began at a young age in the small town of Alstonville, NSW. Inspired by his mother, SherryAnn, a ballet dancer, and motivated by a desire not to be left out of the fun his family was having, Charlie asked to start dancing. From this humble beginning, he quickly discovered his talent for ballet.

Transition to The McDonald College

At age 15, Charlie’s passion for dance took a significant leap when he was awarded the Yulgibar Scholarship, allowing him to attend The McDonald College, Australia’s premier performing arts school. This transition from the quiet, rural life of Alstonville to the bustling city of Sydney was daunting, but it marked a turning point in Charlie’s life. The supportive and accepting environment of The McDonald College provided Charlie with the motivation and inspiration he needed to take his ballet training seriously. He cites fellow student Harrison Lee, a Prix de Lausanne winner, as a major influence during his time at the college.

Training and Experience

Charlie’s dedication to ballet is evident in his rigorous schedule, balancing Year 12 HSC studies with a demanding four-hour daily dance regime. His time as an “extra ballet boy” in the Australian Ballet’s production of Sleeping Beauty offered him a glimpse into the professional world of ballet, fueling his ambition to one day join a major ballet company.

Overcoming Challenges

Throughout his early life, Charlie faced the challenges that many young male dancers encounter, including bullying and stigma. However, the inclusive atmosphere at The McDonald College provided him with a safe space to pursue his passion without fear of judgment.

Looking Ahead

As Charlie continues to refine his craft and prepare for future auditions, his journey from a young boy who simply wanted to dance with his family to a dedicated and passionate ballet student stands as a testament to his resilience and love for the art form.