Year 8’s Manly Dam Excursion

Late in August, our Year 8 students had a blast on a geography excursion to Manly Dam as part of their “Water in the World” unit. It was a day packed with hands-on learning and outdoor fun.

Students got their hands dirty (and wet!) as they tested the water quality of the dam. They learned about the importance of clean water and the impact of pollution on our ecosystems. Armed with nets and magnifying glasses, they also searched for local wildlife in the dam and surrounding areas.

The excursion wasn’t just about exploring nature; it was also about understanding the significance of different water bodies. Students discussed the roles of natural and man-made water sources, such as the dam itself. They learned how these sources are used, the benefits they provide, and the potential challenges they face.

It was a delightful and educational day out in nature. Our Year 8 students left the excursion with a deeper appreciation for the importance of water and its role in our world.